Paper 3

Paper 3 is the A level paper, where you will have to choose two areas of psychology to answer the questions for. For example, I’m studying Health Psychology and Abnormal Psychology, therefore I’ll be answering questions on these two.

I’ve already explained what the paper consists of here, so in this post I’ll be discussing different tips and ways to approach the different types of questions. Of course, I would advise you to also read the mark schemes and examiner reports on the Cambridge website. If you want to find more past papers look on this website too.

So, let’s get straight into the different types of questions and how to answer them.

  • 2 marks questions

E.g. Explain, in your own words, what is meant by ‘chronic pain’.

In these questions, you have to give a brief definition of whatever is asked. In the case of the question above, I would say ‘chronic pain is a type of pain that lasts for more than 3 months, can become worse and occur intermittently. It can cause a feeling of anxiety to grow and this will develop into feeling helpless and hopeless if the pain does not dissipate.’

A tip that I could give you for this type of question is to write a sentence per mark. Obviously, if you don’t feel satisfied with the amount you wrote and want to put it more detail, you can do so. REMEMBER – everyone has different approaches to different questions and you should what makes you feel comfortable and satisfied.

  • 4 marks questions

E.g. Describe one study that has used biofeedback to manage stress.

These questions tend to vary from paper to paper but they usually ask to describe something, be it a study, a theory or a technique. Again, I would say that here the method of writing one sentence per mark can be used as a guideline.

If you are asked to describe one study like the question above, I would write a sentence per section of the research – one for the aim, one for the procedure, one for the findings and one for the conclusion. At this stage, you don’t really need worry about evaluation. A possible answer to the question could be ‘ One study that used biofeedback to manage stress was Budzynski et al, who wanted to see whether the technique was useful to reduce tension headaches. The research was carried out with 18 participants who were put into 3 different groups. It was found that the groups which received biofeedback had reduced tension, fewer headaches and lower usage of drugs. Thus, it was concluded that the technique is an effective way for training patients to relax and this is increased when relaxation training was combined.’

If you are asked to describe a theory, I would firstly write the concept of it and then the different stages/sections of it. If you feel like you haven’t written enough, you can always include research that has been carried out on the research. For example, if you were asked to describe the Yale Model of communication, you could say that Caccioppo et al found that an attractive communicator is more likely to be listed to than an unattractive one.

If you are asked to briefly describe two study, I would divide the question in two = 2 marks per study. Therefore, you could say what each study wanted to research (the aim) and what they found/concluded.

  • 8 marks questions in Section B

E.g. Describe what psychologists have discovered about the patient-practitioner relationship.

Usually, these questions ask to describe what has been found in one specific part of psychology. If you are able to, I would talk about 4 different studies and summaries what they wanted to find, how they carried out the research and what the conclusion was. Also, if there aren’t that many studies in the section like in ‘Pain’ or ‘Models of Abnormality’, I would write about 4 different parts of that section – for example, for Pain you could talk about the 1 theory and definition of pain , 1 or 2 measures of pain and 1 or 2 methods to treat pain. Similarly, for Models of Abnormality, you could talk about 1 or 2 definitions of abnormality, 1 model of abnormality and 2 treatments.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different Health psychology 8 marks questions.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different Abnormal psychology 8 marks questions.

  • 12 marks questions

E.g. Evaluate what psychologists have discovered about the patient-practitioner relationship and include a discussion about generalisations.

These usually tend to ask to evaluate the studies mentioned in the 8 marks questions above, however if you don’t feel confident evaluating those studies or theories you can always talk about others.

Here the key concept is the one to include both STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES and the topic of discussion they ask about. I would suggest you link this with an evaluation point. For example, you could say ‘One weakness of the study conducted by McKinlay is that the sample only included women in the UK, meaning that the results could have been affected by gender and cultural bias. Therefore, this makes the results not applicable or generalisable to other countries/cultures and men.’

The topics of discussion can be many, so I would advise you to revise the research methods, the experimental designs, the ethical issues,  the issues and the debates of psychology very well to prepare for these types of questions.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different 12 marks questions for Health Psychology.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different 6 marks questions for Abnormal Psychology.

  • 8 marks question in Section C

E.g. Suggest how you would design and conduct an investigation to determine whether people in your community think the health campaign carried out was successful.

Usually, these questions ask to conduct a study – much like the 10 marks question in Paper 2 – therefore, you should include the aim, the sample, the research method, the experimental design, the independent and dependent variable. You should not include any findings or discussion about the evaluation of it unless it asks you to.

Also, these questions may ask you ‘to assess’ a certain therapy or treatment, which is basically the same thing as describing how you would conduct a study.

Other times, they may ask you to suggest a strategy or how you would use a certain technique to help a certain situation or patient. Here you just need to apply the theory to situation or person.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different 8 marks questions for Health Psychology. 

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different 6 marks questions for Abnormal Psychology.

  • 6 marks questions

E.g. Describe one community health promotion campaign.

Usually, these questions are asked to consolidate the theory you suggested in the 8 marks question above to make sure that you know the content. Thus, if it asks to describe one study you should write about 2-3 small paragraphs about the aim, the procedure, the findings and conclusion.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different 6 marks questions for Health Psychology.

Here you can find a post with all my example answers to different 6 marks questions for Abnormal Psychology.

IMPORTANT – I’ve also done a post with all the different types of questions per topic in Health Psychology. You can find this on the EXAM CENTRE category.

11 thoughts on “Paper 3

  1. Hi! Sorry to keep badgering you about this but In Section B of psychology A2 Evaluation question can we use 2 issues and one debate along with named issue to evaluate. Can we use a combination of issues and debates rather than using any one?


    • Hi! The evaluation question will normally ask you to discuss one issue or debate such as generalisations. This needs to be linked with the evaluation of the studies or research you use in the question. I’m currently working on the sample answers, so as soon as they are ready, you might get a better idea. I hope this has helped in the meantime!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there! Firstly I have to say how much of a help this blog has been, thankyouu.❣️❤️
    Quick question if you can help, in paper 3 section B, there is this question that evaluate, including a discussion about competing explanations ?What are the competing explanations? This question is about addiction and impulse control disorder.
    Also will you upload notes for Abnormality and example answer and Can I email you my answers for some describe and evaluate questions and you can give me some feedback?(like mark it if possible)🙂


    • Hi! I am glad this is helping you 🙂 The competing explanations for addiction and impulse control disorders would be the different theories developed to explain the disorders. For example, alcoholism has been found to be highly related to genetics whereas impulse disorders such as kleptomania have been explained by the behavioural approach and operant conditioning.
      I will upload start uploading the notes for Abnormality when I complete the sections for Health Psychology – probably in around a week. I will also upload sample answers for both Abnormality and Health Psychology as soon as I have time.
      I’m not sure about you emailing answers because I wouldn’t want any of us to share our emails and also I don’t feel as qualified to mark any questions. If you want to see whether you’ve answered a question at high standards, perhaps look at the mark schemes of each questions you are doing. I left the links for them at the start of this post.
      I hope this has helped you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to comment 🙂


  3. Hi there,
    Can you help me in solving this question please?
    Suggest how you would test the long term effectiveness of a snapshot study which attempts to stop people from smoking.
    Do I have to design an alternative study similar to Janis and Feshbach and then talk about the use of self report for eg questionnaires after 6 months etc?
    Also how should I write my answers for section C (they are similar to paper 2 alternative study) for eg like the way studies are described in textbook: first there is an Aim heading and the aim is described then the sample and the method etc OR like this way: giving a one line intro about health promotion then by mentioning that ‘ I will conduct a laboratory study using independent group design on 300 students” etc


    • Hi! I think that’s the best way to answer those questions, perhaps the aim is not that important since they are giving you the topic to talk about but the procedure is definitely significant – for example if you use independent group design you should list the different conditions and how many participants will be allocated to each one.
      As for the past paper question ‘Suggest how you would test the long term effectiveness of a snapshot study which attempts to stop people from smoking’, I would say you don’t particularly need to design an alternative study but write about 3/4 things that you could use in a snapshot to increase long-term effectiveness – for example questionnaires could be conducted after 6/12 months asking patients whether they have started to smoke again, what the patterns of smoking are, etc..
      I hope this has helped you. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave another comment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for replying, So for section C alternative type questions i can write the answer in first person?


      • No problem, I’m glad I was able to help you 🙂 I guess it would be more exam-like to use phrases like “a laboratory experiment would be conducted with independent groups design’ instead of ‘I would use a laboratory experiment to conduct the study.’ I hope this makes sense!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. For 8 marks or 6 marks question, if there is a question to describe a study, Go by this rule:
    S – sample
    L – location
    I – investigation technique
    P – procedure
    D – design
    D – data collection

    Then Elaborate more on this


  5. Pingback: “The good physician treats the disease;The great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” – Psych Wars -CIE A level Psychology

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