The Patient-Practitioner Relationship

  1. Practitioner and patient interpersonal skills
    Nonverbal communications (e.g. McKinstry and Wang); verbal communications (e.g.McKinlay, 1975; Ley, 1988).
  2. Patient and practitioner diagnosis and style
    Practitioner style: doctor and patient-centred (Byrne and Long, 1976; Savage and Armstrong,1990). Practitioner diagnosis: type I and type II errors. Disclosure of information (e.g. Robinson and West, 1992).
  3. Misusing health services
    Delay in seeking treatment (e.g. Safer, 1979). Misuse: hypochondriasis (e.g. Barlow and Durand, 1995), Munchausen syndrome (e.g. Aleem and Ajarim, 1995).

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